Q: What is the small circular indentation in the ball?
A: Since the ball is solid polyurethane, this is a release valve so the ball will not implode upon bouncing.
Q: I noticed that my Ooofball has some color irregularities. Is this normal or do I have a defective ball?
A: Because of the chemical composition and blending of the polyurethane, you may see uniqueness and shading in the color of the ball, much as you would in linen fabric. This does not, in any way, affect the performance of the ball. You should enjoy many years of use with your Ooofball.
Q: I work in the Physical Therapy Department of a hospital and we are considering using medicine balls as part of the rehab regimen. But all hospital products must be latex-free. Our concern is that most of the newer medicine balls are made of latex or have latex shells and the old-fashioned leather medicine ball is too cumbersome and can't get wet. How does Ooofball compare?
A: We have good news for you! Our product contains NO LATEX whatsoever! It is solid polyurethane including the "cover" which is actually not a cover or shell at all but an integral part of the ball. Almost all of the medicine balls on the market today contain latex. Latex allergies can be life threatening to sensitive individuals and even those who have not shown previous reactions can develop them. Choosing Ooofball is a safe bet even if you aren't in a hospital setting because you never know who might have a latex allergy. The other great characteristic of Ooofball is that it is designed to float! So when you conduct aquatherapy classes, take the ball right into the pool for added weight resistance exercises.
Q: Do you have to inflate the Ooofball with air?
A: NO!! Since Ooofball is solid polyurethane, there are no voids. Ooofball adds a whole new dimension to training because of its ability to bounce so well. It maximizes explosive-reactive power. A lot of balls on the market owe their bounce to the amount of air that's used to inflate them. The obvious problem with this is that you have to have an added piece of equipment (an air pump). Many times the balls do not stay fully inflated during use so it decreases the effectiveness and function, requiring more air to be pumped in. What a nuisance!
Q: Do I need to have a partner to get a good workout with the Ooofball?
A: The beauty of having a ball that bounces is that you can work alone, if you so choose. Our ball is designed to be thrown against a wall to simulate the movements of sports (e.g. a golf stroke, bat swing, tennis serve, etc.). Plus there are many different exercises you can do alone to strengthen abdominal and back muscles. If you choose to work with a partner, you can add more diversity to your workouts - plus it can be fun and motivational!
Q: Are there specific exercises I can perform with the Ooofball?
A: YES! Please check out our Workouts page. You will find videos that demonstrate skill specific exercises. We will continue to add new ones. We also have games that you can play that help to develop speed and strength.
Q: I purchased a ball and now would like to get another one but in a different weight. Will I be able to tell the difference between the balls?
A: Both of our current balls are color coded for easy identification. The green ball weighs approxiamately 2.25 lbs. and the orange ball weighs approximately 4.5 lbs. The sizes are different for ease in identification.
Q: My ball does not bounce as well as I think it should. Why doesn't the Ooofball bounce like a super ball?
A: We could have made the Ooofball to bounce like a super ball but that would defeat the purpose. The Ooofball should rebound to between your knees and your waist when dropped from just above your head; in other words, to about 40 to 50 percent of the original height dropped. The ball actually consumes energy requiring that you have to keep exercising (putting energy into the ball) to make it return. This is unique to Ooofball and a large factor in the athletic improvements achieved by using Ooofball.
Q: I've heard that lifting weights may not be beneficial for younger children. Why is this? Does that mean they shouldn't use a medicine ball either?
A: Weight training is generally contraindicated for younger children because it places too much stress on the long bones. Which is precisely why Ooofball training is indicated. Unlike free weights, which can cause injury if the body doesn't have core strength, Ooofball training is specifically designed for core body strength and joint integrity. Children are the perfect benefactors of this type of training because it will allow them to build core strength first instead of the other way around. Obviously, children should start off with the lighter weight balls and their workouts should be supervised by a qualified trainer or coach. Our 2.25 lb. Ooofball is perfect for children just starting out. Besides bouncing, the Ooofball also floats so kids can use it in the pool and get a great workout while having fun!
Q: I use free weights for my training. Why use a medicine ball? Does it replace free weights?
A: Ooofball training is meant to be an adjunct to weight training. There's nothing wrong with weight training if you're interetsed in building muscle mass. However, in the real world your body doesn't work as individual muscle groups. Weight training in and of itself is not very functional and can lead to injury if the body doesn't have core strength. This is because it limits and restricts the body's natural movements. (Think leg extensions!) There is no room for explosiveness. Most movement originates from the body's center of gravity or core. Think of a pitcher; he's not just pitching with his arm. Most of the power comes from the torso, pelvis and legs. That power gets transfered to the shoulder, arm and hand. Consider the power of a pitcher on the mound and then have him seated in a chair. How fast will the pitch be then? Ooofball training mimics the body range of motion through all planes of movement that are used in everyday activities and for sports. Ooofball training is specifically for core body strength and joint integrity. Functional arm and leg strength all originate from core body (torso) strength. The actual areas being worked are the abdominal and back muscles. But the joints that direct your muscle movements must also be strong. Ooofball training is designed to strengthen all these areas. You are less likely to have injury to the joints once the core is strengthened. So using a medicine ball will complement your free weight training.
Q: I thought medicine balls were just used by boxers. Now I hear that professional players in just about every sport use medicine balls. Why the resurgence of this piece of retro equipment?
A: Boxers certainly require not only agility, speed and strength in short, explosive bursts but also a high level of anaerobic strength endurance in order to perform these bursts over and over for 10 rounds or more. Using a medicine ball allows them to be fluid and explosive in their movements, unlike free weights. Think of sports like tennis, golf and baseball where rotational power is crucial to a serve, a drive or a swing. I think most Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Physical Therapists, athletes and even "weekend warriors" have come to realize your body moves as a whole and that static exercises that work isolated muscles groups are not as beneficial as dynamic ones that work the body as a unit. Using a medicine ball allows the athlete to use motions and angles that you just can't duplicate on a machine or with free weights. I also think we've plateaued with all the high-priced gadgetry and fancy, expensive equipment. People want a simple, portable and relatively inexpensive fitness tool that gets the job done without all the bells and whistles.
Q: I keep hearing the term "functional training". What exactly does this mean?
A: "Functional" in this context means the kinds of movements that are required for everyday activities - picking up a bag of groceries, lifting a child, walking up the steps. "Functional training" means training the body for movement, to help the body be better and stronger in integrated movements because the body works as a unit, not as individual parts. Traditional exercise has focused on isolating muscles to build them up. Functional training focuses on using the body the way it works and the way it is meant to work - as an integrated unit. The cardinal rule of functional fitness: train the movement, not the muscle.
Q: In Dr. Donald Chu's Plyometric Exercises with the Medicine Ball. What does the word "plyometric" mean?
A: Dr. Chu writes in his book "The idea behind plyometrics is simple: exploit the muscles' cycle of lengthening and shortening to increase power. Plyometric exercises start with the rapid stretching of the muscle (eccentric contraction) followed by a shortening of the same muscle (concentric contraction). The goal of plyometyrics is to train the nervous system to react quickly to the lengthening of the muscle by rapidly shortening the same muscle with maximum force" Plyometrics enhances your muscles' ability to respond quickly and powerfully. Stretch a rubberband an inch and then release it. Then stretch the same rubberband 6 inches and release it. You will notice there is more speed and force generated. Dr. Chu further writes "The versatility of the medicine ball is useful in developing a plyometric exercise program. You can develop a varied and sport-specific program consisting of throwing and catching movements for the upper extremities, rotational exercises for the trunk, extension exercises for the lower extremities, and finally, total body exercises."
Q: What differentiates Ooofball from other medicine balls?
A: There are many thing to consider when choosing a medicine ball.
- Durability - The Ooofball is made to be used!
- Construction - The Ooofball is made of a unique singular material. There is no weighted core (sand, water, gel, steel shot, etc.) to shift and make the ball roll like an egg or worse yet to spill out if it bursts.
- Bounce - The ball should bounce without a rebounder which costs hundreds of dollars and doesn't always give a consistent bounce. With Ooofball, all you need is a wall or floor. You don't even need a partner for many of the exercises.
- Easy Use - You should never have to add air or water to your ball to achieve properties.
- Environment - You should never have to worry if it rains on your ball (i.e. leather) - Ooofball floats! Use it at the beach. Take it into the pool. Many polo and swim teams already do!
Q: I know Ooofball is a little more expensive. What's the advantage to buying an Ooofball vs. another brand medicine ball?
A: We like to call it "The Ooofball Advantage". There are any number of medicine balls on the market today that are cheaper than Ooofball, in quality and dollars. By investing just a little bit extra, you can own the best ball on the market!
Ooofball, The Original Medicine Ball with BOUNCE! is a superb quality medicine ball made of hi-tech, latex-free solid polyurethane, making it extremely durable. Unlike other weight balls on the market, Ooofball does not have a bladder or hollow center; there is no weighted core, which means no shifting or leaking of gel, sawdust or sand. There is no need to inflate Ooofball with air; the ball will never become deflated like other weight balls because Ooofball is solid. The "cover" is actually an integral part of the ball; there is no thin outer shell prone to rupture. The textured grip allows for ease in handling. Our balls are color-coded according to weight. Because it bounces, it's great for the rotational and explosive movements needed for most sports and also as a rehab and injury prevention tool. Besides being durable, functional and unique in construction, Ooofball also floats, making it the most versatile weight ball available. And with life threatening latex allergies on the increase, Ooofball is also the safest medicine ball on the market.
Q: Who uses Ooofball? What kinds of sports is it good for?
A: Ooofball is the weight ball of choice by the pros in every major sport. Ooofball is used by professional, collegiate, primary and secondary school athletes in a variety of sports as a tool for multidimensional training. It is also utilized by strength and conditioning coaches, health and fitness clubs, physical therapists and rehabilitation programs, military academies and installations plus dance and martial arts studios, just to name a few. Ooofball is used in strength and conditioning programs for sport specific skills, rehabilitative exercises to promote balance, strength and grace in movement, cross training drills or just in games for fitness fun.